OEM Quarterly Chassis Report

Market data and analysis of box-off truck chassis and commercial van shipments and sales using data provided by OEMs can assist companies with decision-making and planning. OEM Quarterly Chassis Report includes data on incomplete commercial chassis shipped and sold within USMCA countries, presented by cab-type and weight class segments. Includes:

  • Quarterly industry overview
  • U.S./Mexico chassis sales
  • Canada chassis sales
  • Nonconventional cab chassis sales in USMCA countries
  • Inventory trends and insights
  • Commercial van market trends and segment analysis
  • Commercial truck segment analysis
  • Looking ahead
  • Velocity model

NTEA members: Log in to access OEM Quarterly Chassis Report. For personalized assistance in creating or accessing a login account, contact us at 248-489-7090 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. ET. The Report is a benefit of your membership.

Nonmembers:  A yearly digital subscription is available for $299. Order now.  Browse benefits of NTEA membership, and call us at 248-489-7090 to discuss options.

Contact NTEA at info@ntea.com or 248-489-7090.