DOT conducts Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey for first time since 2002

Posted April 12, 2022

U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics is collecting data for the 2021 Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS) — marking the first VIUS data collection in 20 years. VIUS was previously the principal data source for physical and operational characteristics of the U.S. truck population.

The survey is being conducted in partnership with Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, and U.S. Census Bureau to better understand the characteristics and use of vehicles on the nation's roads. Collected data is expected to be available in 2023 and will be used to guide infrastructure investments, evaluate truck and passenger vehicle safety, estimate fuel efficiency and emissions, and understand the products and commodities carried on U.S. roadways.

The nationally representative survey sample will focus on heavy trucks and truck-tractors, and will also include pickup trucks, vans, minivans, and SUVs. The survey will collect information on the selected vehicles’ physical characteristics (e.g., age, size and weight), installed safety technologies, maintenance performed, and uses (e.g., passenger travel, goods transport, etc.) in 2021.

The VIUS data collection period began with letters mailed to 150,000 randomly-selected vehicle owners who will report on 2021 vehicle use via an online data collection portal. Depending on their vehicle, participants will complete the Heavy Vehicle Questionnaire or the Light Vehicle Questionnaire. The online survey portal will be open through October 2022.

NTEA is highly supportive of VIUS as survey results are beneficial to the commercial truck industry. Large fleet activity is extremely important to this survey. If your company was selected as part of the random sample, please participate.

For more information or instructions for participants, visit

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