Advanced vehicle technology and fuel resources for the work truck industry

This article was published in the June 2024 edition of NTEA News.

NTEA strives to be a trusted resource in critical areas that are shaping the present and future of the commercial vehicle industry. The Association’s online resources provide a path to help members make informed decisions and drive positive change and innovation.

NTEA offers helpful information and resources in support of the industry’s drive toward greater sustainability, productivity and efficiency. Using unique login credentials, individuals can discover new vehicle technologies, find fuel application information, and learn about the latest clean energy trends and operational considerations on the path to zero-emission vehicles.

NTEA monitors legislative and regulatory issues affecting the design, manufacture and sale of productive and efficient commercial vehicles and equipment. Through established relationships with U.S. and Canadian leaders, NTEA offers insights into governmental activities and identifies funding opportunities that apply to advanced vehicle technologies and propulsion options.

Vehicle engineering and compliance
NTEA provides technical resources and insights on advanced vehicle and fuel technology trends, challenges and solutions. Members have unlimited access to the Associations’ technical services team as well as tools and reference materials addressing:

  • Body and equipment installation
  • Commercial vehicle design and conformance
  • OEM upfitter guidance
  • Vehicle certification
  • Weight calculations

Online resources

NTEA offers a variety of online tools and resources, including:

  • OEM and industry supplier contacts and technical references
  • Publications and whitepapers
  • Information on legislative and regulatory initiatives and updates
  • Glossary of relevant industry terms
  • Latest news and updates on clean vehicle innovations

Learn more at